Navy Cadets, until recently known as Sea Cadets, is a youth organisation with branches throughout the country. Each branch is known as a 'Training Ship' or TS for short. Training Ship Taupo Navy Cadets is the North Wellington Navy Cadet training ship based in Mana, Porirua.
Training Ship Taupo Navy Cadets has what is called a parade night every Monday night during the school term from 6.45pm (for a 7pm start) to 9pm. We meet approximately every second weekend for activities such as sailing, camping, regattas, shooting and competitions. The days and frequencies of weekend activities vary - usually due to the time of year.
The current cost to be a Navy Cadet at Training Ship Taupo Navy Cadets is $180 per year, payable as a donation of $45 at the beginning of each school term. This donation includes use of a uniform, supervision, training, use of boats, a personal cap and other equipment and transport where possible.
The uniform includes the general working dress uniform (GWD for short, called G-Dubs) worn on most parade nights and for events such as shooting or other activities, and a full dress uniform for formal occasions such as ANZAC Day. For water activities, Navy Cadets generally wear civilian clothes such as board shorts, tee shirts, thermals, waterproof jackets and boat shoes.
More information:
Training Ship Taupo Facebook page (there is a more active Facebook page for cadets)
Training Ship Taupo Navy Cadets has a range of on water activities including Crown boats, Feva yachts and boating courses for more experienced cadets, along with the annual regatta to challenge other Navy Cadet units.
Activities with Training Ship Taupo Navy Cadets includes camping, first aid, courses on local NZ Defence Force bases (including Waiouru and Ohakea) and trips on navy ships.
Closely aligned to the Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN), Navy Cadets have the opportunity to experience life in the RNZN, through ship and base visits, and sea time on operational Navy ships as they transit between ports.
Training in the safe use of firearms and marksmanship skills leads to self discipline and confidence. We use only .22 calibre, single shot, rifles, and only shoot on a controlled target shooting range.